14 Mar 2023 AVS Board Election Results Announced
The 2023 American Viola Society Nominations Committee is pleased to announce the results of our recent board election. Once again, we are so fortunate to have a capable and committed group of AVS members joining our board (listed alphabetically by last name):
President-Elect: Daphne Gerling
Gabrielle Padilla
Cody Russell
Molly Wilkens-Reed
Rose Wollman
Gabrielle Padilla
Cody Russell
Molly Wilkens-Reed
Rose Wollman
These elected board members will begin their terms of service on July 1, 2023.
We extend our deepest gratitude to all of our nominees. The AVS relies on the dedication of our board members and volunteers and recognizes the tremendous commitment demonstrated by all who participated in this election.
AVS Board nominations open each year in the late fall, with elections each March. If you have time, energy, and skills to offer in service of the viola community, please consider running for the AVS Board or serving as a board volunteer. Please contact the AVS office for more details.