20 Jul AVS October Greenroom
This month, we welcome renowned Australian violist-composer Brett Dean to the AVS Greenroom! We’ll learn about Brett’s education and career as a violist – notably in the Berlin Philharmonic – and how he made the transition to full-time composition, exploring his important compositions for viola along the way.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
1:00 PM Eastern Time
Live via Zoom
Each month, the AVS invites a notable violist into our virtual “greenroom” for an informal live discussion, with a Q&A opportunity for participants. Our series is curated and hosted by Steven Tenenbom.
The AVS proudly provides this series free of charge to current members as a benefit of membership. Registration for the general public is $15. Following the event, all registrants receive a link to the event recording to view at their convenience. Please join us!