21 Feb Music and Your Brain Workshop Series with Molly Gebrian – Part 2
Music and Your Brain Workshop Series with Molly Gebrian – Part 2:
Performing from Memory Doesn’t Have to be Terrifying: How Understanding the Science of Memory Can Help
Sunday, March 19
5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific
Live via Zoom
Performing from memory is something all musicians will have to do at some point in their careers. For some, this prospect can be terrifying, whereas others seem to embrace the challenge with ease. This presentation will approach this topic from the view of neuroscience, looking at the neuroscience of memory in general, strategies for memorization, and specifically how musicians can improve their comfort with and mastery of performing from memory.
Register to join the live session with Molly, participate in the Q& A, and receive a recording of the session afterward!