26 Mar Music and Your Brain Workshop Series with Molly Gebrian – Part 3
Music and Your Brain Workshop Series with Molly Gebrian – Part 3:
The Secret to Learning Music Faster: Take More Breaks
Sunday, April 16
5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific
Live via Zoom
It may be counterintuitive, but it’s been known since the 1880s that taking more and longer breaks between study or practice sessions results in more learning, better memory for the information, and longer and more stable retention. This presentation will discuss this research and explain exactly why taking breaks results in better, faster learning by exploring the changes that must happen in the brain for learning to occur. Finally, practical strategies will be offered for ways to apply this research to the classroom and the practice room.
Register to join the live session with Molly, participate in the Q& A, and receive a recording of the session afterward!